Seeking hope this holiday...

It’s difficult to start out an end-of-the-year newsletter in light of all that has negatively colored 2020. From the magnitude of COVID-19, to the voices of the BLM-movement that tried to be stifled, the horrific US-West Coast fires and the high-profile deaths of Kobe Bryant, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Eddie VanHalen. It’s difficult to know how to keep a respectful, proper tone while still desiring this text to be encouraging and positive.

I know that this year has been one of the most onerous years of my life. COVID has put me in a very scary place financially— as it has single-handedly ripped my performance career into near-nothing (as it has with so many who also depend on live performance for their livelihood). One of the only positives that I can point to as a result of this pandemic is that it has demanded that we creatives find alternative outlets for our art, the medium by which we express it and how it can still give us a sense of worth and significance. I also believe that this period of time has called us to re-evaluate our own individual lives. I know that for me, this isolation has been a period of investing in my children, looking at how I can be a better individual and return my creative focus back to songwriting as well as photography.

My hope is that you have been able to survive this incredibly difficult time— that you all have remained healthy and blessed in your line of work. I understand that many people may be like me with the loss of work— so I want to tread lightly here and let you know that this letter is coming from a place of empathy and encouragement. That being said, I still want to keep in line with the pattern of “my final newsletter of the year”— tipping-off my followers and supporters to unique holiday gifting ideas. This year, however, I want to focus on gifts that we can all use in a solo-environment and that can bring the receiver joy and pleasure in their own personal space.

The first thing I can’t recommend highly enough is a fantastic coffee brewer. Sometimes it’s the simple things that bring us the most joy— and after being an owner of a Moccamaster for over 6 years, I recommend that everyone get one. These machines are no joke— they heat the water to the perfect 196°-205° F and allow the perfect amount of agitation of water and grounds resulting in a coffee bloom that brings the flavor profile of your beans to life. Perhaps this sounds a bit snobby, but if you take your coffee as serious as I do, you really need a Moccamaster of your own. My .02— this is the gift you should be giving yourself this year! Starting your day off with a cup of coffee from this brewer is essential in surviving whatever your day may bring. The Technivorm-Moccamaster can be found at:

I know that there are many fellow musicians who subscribe to this newsletter— or subscribers who are gifting to fellow musicians— and I’m a big believer that the right instrument can make you a better player. The proper instrument can make you more creative and take you to places you wouldn’t go unless that specific tool was in your hands. I can testify to this because I was an early adopter of Fano Guitars and my SP6 Alt de Facto helped write most of my 2012 release In My Head. (…and, no, I’m not exaggerating! This instrument birthed “Starting Over” and the title track.) While Fano Guitars are primarily known for being a custom-guitar builder, they introduced a line of guitars this year called Omnis that are a fraction of their custom pieces and are absolutely brilliant instruments! They sound amazing and feel fantastic!

Also, as a keyboard player and programmer, I want to turn fellow players onto Roland’s A88-MKII controller. I’m quite particular when it comes to the feel of a keyboard or piano’s “keybed” and while there are a ton of options when it comes to keyboard controllers, none hold a candle to the way the A88-MKII feels. The keys feel like an extension of your fingers, your body. The ability to have the level of expression in this instrument is spectacular. I can say that I’m a better player when I touch the keys of Roland’s offering. Don’t sell yourself short on a mediocre controller… your playing and creativity will suffer.

In order to properly house the A88MKII, I had to find a way to support it and keep it ergonomically sorted in my studio. So I looked to Buso Audio for a solid solution because I had heard many individuals speak so highly of them. The Netherlands-based Buso Audio was founded in 2012 for designing and producing state of the art studio furniture. And no matter what size space you are working out of, they have options that cater to musicians, producers and artists of all levels (and room-size requirements). Their desks, racks and monitor stands can be found at:

I told you that I have spent the past many months focusing on my photography and there are two companies that I want to turn you on to. One company that I recently discovered is called Field Optics Research. While my personal photography straddles several genres, when I get hired to shoot, my photography is primarily focused in two arenas— portraiture and real estate. These two photography segments demand head-and-tripod solutions that are dependable at all times and “FOR” has several solutions no matter what your level of shooting. I personally use their FBT5436C tripod and FPH-ULP head and this combination is rock-solid! And if you need to carry your kit (regardless of size)— you honestly need to check out ThinkTank. I have used ThinkTank products for 10+years and I’ve never once been disappointed. Their quality is top-notch and every single ThinkTank product I use is still going strong. Depending on how much gear I travel with, I currently use either their FirstLight 20L or Essentials Convertible Rolling Backpack. I have all my bases covered with these two bags— and if you’re looking for some smaller gift ideas, check out all of their photo accessories from memory card wallets, battery holders, lens cases or laptop/tablet options. Also, their many CableManagement™ options are killer for anyone— not just photographers! (Considering how many cables we use in our lives, photographer or not— everyone could benefit from multiple sizes of packing cubes to throw in their car, their briefcase, their suitcase…

There is one more gift idea that I want to share with you— and this can either be a (luxurious) stocking stuffer or a stand-alone gem. Bluetooth earbuds have become a mainstay over the past few years— but I find that most of them are either: a) uncomfortable or don’t fit well or b) sound average at best. This is not the case with Sennheiser’s MOMENTUM True Wireless 2 earbuds. Not only do they feel fantastic for long periods of wear but they are sonically AMAZING! If you— or your “someone special”— truly care about how their music sounds, you really need to seek these out. With customizable controls, voice assistant support and up to 28 hours of play time, you will thank me as you ride the sound waves into 2021! (…and what better way to put the drama of 2020 behind us than to lose ourselves in an audio-embrace.)

So, that wraps up my holiday gift-recommending newsletter. If you want to stay up-to-date on career and personal happenings that are posted more frequent than newsletters, follow me on:
Instagram: TheOfficialTonyVincent
Facebook: TonyVincentOfficial
Twitter: TonyTheVincent

I pray that you and the ones you hold dear stay well, remain healthy and enter the new year with promise and a sense of purpose and hope. —God knows we need more hope than we possibly ever have!

Seasons greetings—

Tony Vincent